Transforming Perceptions

These past few years have brought a whirlwind of emotions between becoming employed, moving half-way across the country, and finally having the ability to focus on myself, my weight loss, and my faith. This blog is a reflection of all of these items and how they interact with each other.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Well...the move is official...

Well, we are officially moved downtown at work. It's good because there are so many new, fresh faces in the office and outside the office. Our walking breaks are new and exciting as well. I also get to walk over a mile more a day because of where I have to park...yeah!!! I'm still getting used to the noise, though, since I no longer have a door, and I did not have the seniority to get the awesome view of the Capitol, but at least I get more storage than those who have windows. :) Gotta look on the bright side, I suppose!


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