Transforming Perceptions

These past few years have brought a whirlwind of emotions between becoming employed, moving half-way across the country, and finally having the ability to focus on myself, my weight loss, and my faith. This blog is a reflection of all of these items and how they interact with each other.

Thursday, September 08, 2005


I sometimes don't understand Michigan laws, policies, bills, and those that our Senators and House of Representives bring into the spotlight. When it comes to this, Michigan is way in left field when I'm used to things around home plate, to put it simple. There are just certain things I cannot agree with.

1. Changing the hunting laws allowing younger children to hunt on their own. This is unsafe.
2. Wanting to get rid of the motorcycle helmet law. The death rate for motorcycle accidents will increase.
3. Allowing the following law to pass: "Michigan residents could fatally shoot someone who breaks into their home or vehicle without facing criminal or civil prosecution under legislation introduced Wednesday." (Lansing State Journal article)

Do I need to say anything more?


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