Transforming Perceptions

These past few years have brought a whirlwind of emotions between becoming employed, moving half-way across the country, and finally having the ability to focus on myself, my weight loss, and my faith. This blog is a reflection of all of these items and how they interact with each other.

Friday, July 08, 2005


I've been thinking lately. My cousins have enjoyed learning Japanese and about Japanese culture. One of them has gone to Japan twice, and another is saving to go as well. My cousins' family hosts Japanese students when they come through an exchange program and through this, they have learned that the history books in Japan depict what happened during World War II differently than the hard facts. Whether or not this is true, this has had me thinking about the world in general. How many countries are not teaching their young the truth of what has happened in the world's history? I have found this to be very disturbing. Everybody should have the freedom to know the truth, but unfortunately this is not the case. Words and facts can be manipulated, and eventually innocent people can get hurt. After all, a war is based on the "I'm right, you're wrong" mentality of at least two countries.

Event A happened between Country B and Country C. No matter who wins, Country B views Event A one way and Country C views Event A another way. Sometimes the facts coincide, but in many cases, probably not. Country B will always feel wronged because of x, y, and z, and Country C will always feel wronged because of a, b, and c. I guess sometimes you have to agree to disagree, but my worry is about what young children are being taught. In teaching them only one side of the story are they now going to be more likely to *hate* the other side? And in essense, is it not this hate that causes more friction in the world? many thoughts to ponder.


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