Transforming Perceptions

These past few years have brought a whirlwind of emotions between becoming employed, moving half-way across the country, and finally having the ability to focus on myself, my weight loss, and my faith. This blog is a reflection of all of these items and how they interact with each other.

Monday, July 25, 2005

My Car

Something will always happen while on vacation. It's either a hurricane, thunderstorm, strangers, plane issues or something that just throws the vacation into a spiral. Today, it was my car.

Tomorrow I was supposed to head to my best friend's place so that we could go to New Hampshire to camp. After my 650 mile trip to MA, my car needed an oil change and tire rotation, so I went to get that done this morning. As the mechanic was backing up my vehicle, I noticed that one of my brakelights was out, so I asked if they could replace the bulb. wasn't the bulb that was the problem, it turns out there was no current going to the bulb. Now usually I wouldn't have freaked out, but for the fact that I've been doing so much driving this vacation, this could be something serious. After my oil change, I went to our mechanic that we had been going to forever to see if they looked at electrical problems - they did. He asked if I could bring it on Wednesday, and I asked if there was any way it could be done sooner. So he's squeezing me in tomorrow...which throws everything off course for the rest of my vacation. ::sigh:: I guess I'm not meant to take a real vacation...


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